Undergraduate FAQs
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We offer Bachelor of Science (B.S.) and Master of Science (M.Sc.) degrees. Undergraduate Biology students at UCCS choose from two tracks: the general Biology degree or the Biology degree with a Biomedical Sciences option.
The general Biology program is designed for students seeking a broad understanding of biologically related processes. Students choose from a set of diverse electives spanning the breadth of biological disciplines, including courses in physiology, genetics, cell and molecular biology, plant physiology, ecology, and evolution. This degree prepares students for entry into graduate programs, and careers in biotechnology, research, policy, education, and human health-related professions.
The Biomedical Sciences Option is designed specifically for students seeking a curriculum with emphasis on the biology of human health, performance and disease. In this option, students choose from an extensive set of electives, including human anatomy, physiology, epidemiology, immunology, biomechanics, and nutrition. This option prepares students for health-related professions and related graduate programs.
Additionally, in conjunction with the UCCS College of Education, students can specialize in K-12 biology education for either Elementary Education, Secondary Education, or Special Education. For more information, please see:
The Center for Excellence in Science is located in Centennial Hall 204, or we can be reached by phone at 719-255-3689Call: 719-255-3689.
We help all students excel! If you take lower-level courses in Chemistry, Physics, or Biology, the Science Center offers drop-in tutoring, scheduled problem-solving sessions, computers, and other resources to help you do well. We even help with many upper-level classes as well--ask us about specific courses.
Check out our tutoring schedule. Learn more about our staff. EI session schedules will be posted here! Online tutoring in chemistry and physics is here and will be expanding.
Please visit the faculty links to learn more about each faculty member's specialization and the unique research areas they represent. Note on these pages, some faculty will not accept/consider students until the student has successfully completed one or more courses related to the research students would be conducting. Some faculty may require a minimum/week time commitment in the lab as well. These positions are usually unpaid, volunteer positions. Please contact faculty members directly.
The Department of Biology offers a program leading to the degree of Master of Sciences (MSc) with options in Molecular & Cellular Biology and Ecology & Evolution. Graduate students pursue coursework in biology and one other science discipline (e.g., physics, chemistry, mathematics), providing students with a diverse curriculum and an understanding of how various science disciplines relate to each other.
This interdisciplinary program offers students a broad science education with few restrictive requirements compared to traditional graduate science programs. It allows for development of a plan based on individual needs.
Biology Department Honors: Students interested in this program should contact the Department Chair and a research advisor no later than their junior year. Qualifications consist of a minimum grade point average of 3.5 in biology courses and a 3.0 overall, and the completion of a research project culminating in a written thesis (students must enroll in BIOL 9490). Through the recommendation of the faculty, the successful honor student's degree diploma will bear the citation "Distinction, High Distinction, or Highest Distinction in Biology".
University Honors Program: The University Honors Program is designed for rigorously trained students who share a desire to become intentional learners. Students interested in this program are required to apply prior to the start of their freshman year at UCCS. There are two levels of participation: University Honors or Mountain Lion Honors. Additional information is available on the UCCS Honors Program website
The Zaebst Memorial Scholarship
honors the memory of Dr. Fred Zaebst, Professor, mentor, colleague and friend of the Biology Department at UCCS. This scholarship is awarded annually to a Biology student enrolled full-time with a GPA of at least 3.0 and a class standing of junior or above.
The Berthrong Scholarship
Morgan Berthrong, MD, was a distinguished pathologist and medical educator in Colorado Springs and Denver. For 25 years he taught at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center. After resigning as Pathology Chair at the University of Colorado, Dr. Berthrong directed the Pathology Department at Penrose Hospital to widely recognized excellence in general pathology, laboratory medicine, pathology resident education and medical technologist training. He received the University Medal for his contributions to the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center and to the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs. In 2000, an Endowment was established to his honor, the proceeds of which are used to promote academic success while helping deserving students continue their studies in the biological sciences. The scholarship is awarded annually to a Biology (undergraduate or graduate) student enrolled full-time with an overall and major GPA of at least 3.5.
The Donald Van Horn Endowed Scholarship
Dr. Donald Van Horn is a man of science dedicated to developing new scientists who have a love of study and research, and a commitment to excellence. The Donald Van Horn Endowed Scholarship was created in his honor, and to support students of the biological sciences with that same spirit of dedication to and love of knowledge, and its applications for the benefit of all. The scholarship is awarded annually to a declared Biology student (Sophomore or higher, including graduate students) with a 3.0 or higher cumulative GPA and demonstrated financial need.
Note: All students in the Biology Department are responsible for reading and complying with the Student Code of Conduct, and the LAS Plagiarism Policy.