Biology Research Opportunities
Engaging Students in Inspiring Research

In the lab, the studio, the field, the community, and the classroom, UCCS Biology faculty inspire their students’ passion for research and creativity by engaging students in faculty and course-based research experiences while promoting students' development of their own original research topics.
Sparking students’ research interests improves science literacy and ethical reasoning, strengthens opportunities for employment, and creates engaged citizens.
Contact individual faculty to learn more about current research opportunities and prerequisites.
Research Experience for Undergraduates at UCCS
Many of the faculty in the Biology Department work with students during the semester; see the link below to learn more about their interests and what is going on in their labs. You can also check out recent faculty papers in Google Scholar to see how their interests map onto yours. Reach out to individual faculty members to see if they are recruiting students for the upcoming semester; keep in mind that most instructors do not have research programs. In your email, it's a good idea to include what interests or excites you about their research.
If the faculty member has openings in their research lab, they will likely schedule a time to meet one-on-one in person or via Zoom to discuss more about a collaborative project. However, their labs may already be full, and in this case, you might not hear back from them (don’t take this personally!). Also note that some faculty may have certain courses that are prerequisites for completing research in their laboratories.
If you are a good match to the opportunity in the research lab, you may want to register for BIOL 9499: Undergraduate Research & Creative Works. You will work with the faculty member to get the permission code during the registration period for the research semester, spring, summer, or fall. By registering for this course, you can receive academic credit for the lab research. Students often present their research during Mountain Lion Research Day (December) or at the Colorado Springs Undergraduate Research Forum (April).
Summer Research Internships
Research experiences for undergraduates give students a chance to work with faculty and researchers on research projects. These programs offer a hands-on experience in the laboratory or field. Many of these occur during the summer.
Students who are interested in pursuing careers in research should consider completing a summer research internship. There are a variety of research internship opportunities in biology, and many of the opportunities offer a salary, travel costs and/or housing. These positions primarily take place at universities, research laboratories and biological field stations away from Colorado Springs.
Some of these opportunities are funded through the Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program at the National Science Foundation. These awards are given to program or individual mentors to recruit students to participate in their research. The National Institute of Health (NIH) offers a similarly structured program known as the Summer Internship Program (SIP) in Biomedical Research. There are a variety of other programs in individual laboratories.
Click here for more information on how to find summer internships, timeline, and other useful information (thanks to Dr. Mooney for this useful sheet!).
LAS Research Highlights Podcast
Job and Internship Opportunities
Please see the link below for information on job and internship opportunities for UCCS students and alumni.
Current Research Opportunities
Students benefit when working directly with faculty whose research advances knowledge and addresses public health concerns, improves science education, and develops more nuanced understandings of the human condition within the broader environment. Explore current research opportunities below.
Research Opportunities
- plant genetics and plant pathology
- nitrogen fixation processes in plant roots
- algae and toxins in waterways
- medicinal and rare plants
- plant-insect interactions
- adaptive evolution leading to diversification and speciation
- bat sonar
- epidemiology
- disease etiology
- ethnicity-related health disparities
- immunology
- microbiology of bacteria and viruses
- neurobiology
- cellular response to environmental stressors
- genetic regulation of neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration
- genetic regulation of germline development
- RNA biology
Museum of Natural History

Housed within the Department of Biology, the UCCS Museum of Natural History provides unique opportunities for research and learning. Our museum includes specimens (study skins, skulls and other skeletal materials) representing a broad diversity of mammals, including representatives from Infraclass Eutheria, Subclass Theria, and Subclass Prototheria.
Research Externships
Externships are internships offered to students by an employer outside UCCS (company or organization) to work for a fixed time, usually one semester. They are similar to apprenticeships in that the intern will gain job training and skills that may be of benefit in their future professional work. It is the responsibility of the student to find the internship, although we will post opportunities as we become aware of them. To earn college credit for the experience, complete the application form and enroll in Biol 4710/5710, Externship in Biology.
Search for internships here: