Biology Museum of Natural History
The Museum includes specimens representing a broad diversity of mammals
The Museum includes specimens representing a broad diversity of mammals, including representatives from the Subclass Theria, infraclasses Metatheria and Eutheria. Specimens include skeletal material, mostly skulls, and study skins from the:
Subclass Prototheria
- Order Monotremata - Monotremes - Australia
Subclass Theria
- Marsupials – Australia, Tasmania, New Guinea and North America
Infraclass Eutheria
- Order Soricidae – shrews – North America
- Order Talpidae – moles – North America
- Order Chiroptera – bats – North America, Africa
- Order Cingulata – armadillos – North America
- Order Lagomorpha – pikas, rabbits and hares – Europe, North America
- Order Rodentia – rodents (including New World and Old World mice and rats, squirrels, beaver, capybara, pocket gophers, kangaroo rats, harvest mice, and woodrats – Europe, South America, North America
- Order Carnivora – Feliforms and caniforms (including saber tooth cats, New World and Old World felids and canids, both mesocarnivores and megacarnivores, including ursids, mustelids, ringtails, pinnipeds)
- Order Artiodactyla – New World and Old World including suids (pig and babirusa), hippopotami, bovids, equids, ovis, cervids (including Chinese water deer, muntjacs, and NA deer, elk moose, caribou) and African giraffes and okapi.
- Order Primates – New World and Old World representatives – lemurs, tarsiers, howler monkeys, marmosets, mandrill, gorilla, human.
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