Amy Klocko, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor UCCS Biology Department
OCSE B317; laboratory OSCE B302
OCSE B317; laboratory OSCE B302
- 2011-2012 Postdoctoral Associate, Fowler lab, Botany and Plant Pathology Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
- 2010-2011 Postdoctoral Associate, Dolja and Fowler labs, Botany and Plant Pathology Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
- 2009-2010 Postdoctoral Fellow, Nielsen lab, Molecular Cellular and Developmental Biology Department, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan
- 2009 Ph.D., Plant Biology, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
- 2003 B.S., Biology, chemistry minor, Linfield College, McMinnville, Oregon
Professional Experience
- Instructor, Biology Department, UCCS, CO, 2017-2018
- Research Associate, Strauss lab, Forest Ecosystems & Society Department, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon, 2012-2017
- Adjunct Instructor, Biology Department, Linn-Benton Community College, Albany, Oregon, 2012-2013
- Visiting Scientist, Institute of Experimental Botany, Prague, Czech Republic, 2011
Courses Taught
- BIOL 1060 Modern Biology lab
- BIOL 1300 General Biology I
- BIOL 1310 General Biology I lab
- BIOL 3230 Plant Physiology
- BIOL 3830 Genetics
- BIOL 4830 Explorations in Genetics
- BIOL 9499 Research and Creative Works
Research Interests
Dr. Klocko is a plant geneticist who uses CRISPR-Cas9 gene editing of key floral regulatory gene in trees. This work has potential applications in ornamental horticulture, genetic containment of plantation forestry, reducing spread of invasive species, and in guiding regulations of gene-edited plants. Her lab currently has two main projects. One is a field-study of CRISPR-Cas9 hybrid poplar trees examining the efficacy, stability, and genetic chimerism of this population. The second project is utilizing CRISPR-Cas9 to target two potentially redundant MADS box genes in domestic apple. Dr. Klocko loves plants and genetics and is always interested in meeting with students who would like to gain experience in plant science research.
- .Klocko A.L., Goddard A, Jacobson J.R.+, Magnuson A, Strauss SH. 2021. “RNAi Suppression of LEAFY Gives Stable Floral Sterility, and Reduced Growth Rate and Leaf Size, in Field-Grown Poplars” Plants 10(8):1594. Journal impact factor: 3.94 +undergraduate student mentored by A.L. Klocko
- Goralogia, G.S., Howe, G., Klocko, A.L., Heliwell, E., Nagle, M., Ma., C and Strauss, S.H. 2021 “Overexpression of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE-LIKE (SVL) in Populus delays onset and reduces abundance of flowering in field-grown trees” Horticulture Research 8:167 Journal impact factor: 6.07
- .Elorriaga, E.*, Klocko, A.L., Ma, C., du Plessis, M., Xinmin, A., Myburg, A., and Strauss, S.H. (2021) “Genetic containment in vegetatively propagated forest trees: CRISPR disruption of LEAFY function in Eucalyptus gives sterile indeterminate inflorescences and normal juvenile development” Plant Biotechnology Journal 19:1743-1755. Journal impact factor: 5.68 *PhD student mentored by A.L. Klocko
- Klocko, A.L. “Containment strategies of genetically engineered plants” (2020) CAB Review, ISSBN 1749-8848
- Klocko A.L., Brunner, A.M., Ma, C., Etherington, E., Rosenstiel, K., Magnuson, A., Taylor, B.J., Cappellazzi, J., Lockwood, T., Covarrubias, N., Bao, M., Morrell, J.J., and Strauss, S.H. (2020) “RNAi of AGAMOUS genes in sweetgum alters reproductive organ identity and decreases fruit persistence” Plant Direct. 4:e00225 Journal impact factor: 1.725
- Lu, H.*, Klocko, A.L., Brunner, A.M., Ma, C., Magnuson, A. C., and Strauss, S.H. (2019). “RNAi suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus” New Phytologist 222:923–937 Journal impact factor: 6.74 *PhD student mentored by A.L. Klocko
Peer Reviewed Publications
- Klocko, A.L., (2022) “A Rapid Genetic Screen Using Wisconsin Fast Plants®: a hands-on approach to inheritance of de novo mutations” CourseSource 9:1-12.
- Klocko, A.L. (2022) “Genetic Containment For Molecular Farming” Plants 11:2436. Journal impact factor: 3.94
- Klocko A.L., Goddard A, Jacobson J.R., Magnuson A, Strauss SH. 2021. “RNAi Suppression of LEAFY Gives Stable Floral Sterility, and Reduced Growth Rate and Leaf Size, in Field-Grown Poplars” Plants 10(8):1594. Journal impact factor: 3.94
- Goralogia, G.S., Howe, G., Klocko, A.L., Heliwell, E., Nagle, M., Ma., C and Strauss, S.H. 2021 “Overexpression of SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE-LIKE (SVL) in Populus delays onset and reduces abundance of flowering in field-grown trees” Horticulture Research 8:167 Journal impact factor: 6.07
- Elorriaga, E., Klocko, A.L., Ma, C., du Plessis, M., Xinmin, A., Myburg, A., and Strauss, S.H. (2021) “Genetic containment in vegetatively propagated forest trees: CRISPR disruption of LEAFY function in Eucalyptus gives sterile indeterminate inflorescences and normal juvenile development” Plant Biotechnology Journal 19:1743-1755. Journal impact factor: 5.68
- Klocko, A.L. “Containment strategies of genetically engineered plants” (2020) CAB Review, ISSBN 1749-8848
- Klocko A.L., Brunner, A.M., Ma, C., Etherington, E., Rosenstiel, K., Magnuson, A., Taylor, B.J., Cappellazzi, J., Lockwood, T., Covarrubias, N., Bao, M., Morrell, J.J., and Strauss, S.H. (2020) “RNAi of AGAMOUS genes in sweetgum alters reproductive organ identity and decreases fruit persistence” Plant Direct. 4:e00225 Journal impact factor: 1.725
- Lu, H., Klocko, A.L., Brunner, A.M., Ma, C., Magnuson, A. C., and Strauss, S.H. (2019). “RNAi suppression of AGAMOUS and SEEDSTICK alters floral organ identity and impairs floral organ determinacy, ovule differentiation, and seed-hair development in Populus” New Phytologist 222:923–937 Journal impact factor: 6.74
- Klocko, A.L., Lu, H., Magnuson, A., Ma, C. and Strauss, S.H. (2018) “Phenotypic expression and stability in a large-scale field study of genetically engineered poplars containing sexual containment transgenes.” Frontiers in Biotechnology and Bioengineering 6:1-18. Journal impact factor: 5.12
- Fritschel, S., Klocko, A.L., Boron, A., Brunner, A.M. and Thorlby, G. “Strategies for engineering reproductive sterility in plantation forests” (2018) Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 1-8. Journal impact factor: 4.30
- Elorriaga, E., Klocko, A.L., Ma, C., and Strauss, S.H. (2018) “Variation in mutation spectra among CRISPR/Cas9 mutagenized poplars” Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1-12. Journal impact factor: 4.30
- Nagle, M., LeBoldus, J., and Klocko, A.L. (2018) “Host induced gene silencing for pest/pathogen control” eLS, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester, DOI: 10.1002/9780470015902.a0023726
- McGarry, R.C, Klocko, A.L., Pang, M., Strauss, S.H., and. Ayre, B.G., (2017) “Virus-induced flowering: An application of reproductive biology to benefit plant research and breeding” Plant Physiology 173:47-55.
- Strauss, S.H., Jones, K.N., Lu, H., Petit, J.D., Klocko, A.L., Betts, M.G., Brosi, B.J., Fletcher, R.J., and Needham, M.D. (2017) “Reproductive Modification in Forest Plantations: Impacts on Biodiversity and Society” New Phytologist 213:1000-1021. Journal impact factor: 6.74
- Klocko, A.L., Brunner, A.M., Huang, J., Meilan, R, Lu, H., Ma, C., Morel, A., Zhao, D., Ault, K., Dow, M., Shevchenko, O., and Strauss, S.H. (2016) “Containment of transgenic trees by suppression of LEAFY” Nature Biotechnology 34:918-922 Journal impact factor: 43.11 Press release http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2016/sep/successful-control-reproduction-could-help-address-concerns-about-use-engineered-t
- Lu, H., Klocko, A.L., Dow, M, Ma, C., Amarasinghe, V. and Strauss, S.H. (2016) “Low frequency and deleterious impacts from zinc finger nuclease mutagenesis in Populus" Molecular Breeding 36 DOI: 10.1007/s11032-016-0546-z Journal impact factor: 2.11
- Klocko, A.L., Borejsza-Wysocka, E., Brunner, A.M., Aldwinckle, H. and Strauss, S.H. (2016) “Transgenic suppression of AGAMOUS genes in apple reduces fertility and increases floral attractiveness” PloS ONE 11:e0159421 Journal impact factor: 3.06
- Klocko, A.L., Ma, C., Robertson, S., Esfandiari, E., Nilsson, O., and Strauss, S.H. (2015). “FT overexpression induces precocious flowering and normal reproductive development in Eucalyptus.” Plant Biotechnology Journal, DOI: 10.1111/pbi.12431 Journal impact factor: 5.68
- Antignani^, V., Klocko^, A.L., Bak, G., Chandrasekaran, S.D., Dunivin, T., and Nielsen, E. (2015). “Raba4B-mediated Recruitment of PUB13 and the PI4Kβ1/β2 Phosphatidylinositol-4 Kinases Play Important Roles During SA-mediated Plant Defense Signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana.” The Plant Cell. 1:243-261. ^co first authors Journal impact factor: 10.13
- Vining, K.J., Romanel, E., Jones, R.C., Klocko, A. L., Alves-Ferreira, M., Hefer, C.A., Amarasinghe, V., Dharmawardhana, P., Naithani, S., Jaiswal, P., Ranik, M., Wesley-Smith, J., Solomon, L., Myburg, A.A., and Steven H. Strauss. (2014). “The floral transcriptome of Eucalyptus grandis.” New Phytologist, 4:1406-1422. Journal impact factor: 6.74
- Companion paper to Myburg et al. (2014). The genome of Eucalyptus grandis. Nature. 510:356-362. Klocko, A.L., Meilan, R., James, R.R., Viswanath, V., Ma, C., Payne, P., Miller, L., Skinner, J.S., Oppert, B., Cardineau, G.A., and Strauss, S.H. (2014). “Bt-Cry3Aa transgene expression reduces insect damage and improves growth in field-grown hybrid poplar.” Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 44:28-35. Journal impact factor: 1.56 Press release: http://oregonstate.edu/ua/ncs/archives/2013/dec/significant-advance-reported-genetically-modified-poplar-trees
- Peremyslov, V.V., Klocko, A.L., Fowler, J.E., and Dolja, V.V. (2012). “Plant myosin XI localizes to the motile endomembrane vesicles associated with F-actin.” Frontiers in Plant Science. 3:1-7. Journal impact factor: 3.63
- Park, S., Szumlanski, A.L., Gu, F., Guo, F., and Nielsen, E. (2011) “A role for CSLD3 during cell wall synthesis in apical plasma membranes of tip-growing root hair cells.” Nature Cell Biology. 13:973-980. Journal impact factor: 20.76
- Szumlanski, A.L., and Nielsen, E. (2009) “The Rab GTPase RabA4d regulates pollen tube tip growth in Arabidopsis thaliana.” The Plant Cell. 21:526-544. This article was featured on the journal cover. Journal impact factor: 10.13
- Lee, Y.J., Szumlanski, A., Nielsen, E., and Yang, Z. (2008) “Rho-GTPase-dependent F-actin dynamics coordinate vesicle targeting and exocytosis during tip growth. Journal of Cell Biology.” 181: 1155-1168. Journal impact factor: 10.82
- Hwang, J.U., Vernoud, V., Szumlanski, A., Nielsen, E., and Yang, Z. (2008) “A tip-localized Rho GTPase activating protein controls cell polarity by globally inhibiting Rho GTPase at the cell apex.” Current Biology. 18: 1907-1916. Journal impact factor: 9.49