Emily Mooney, Ph.D.

Emily Mooney, PhD

Associate Professor, Associate Chair Department of Biology
OCSE B331; laboratory OSCE B401
OCSE B331; laboratory OSCE B401


  • 2007-2008 Postdoctoral Research Associate, Muhlenberg College
  • 2007 Ph.D. Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, West Virginia University, WV
  • 2001 B.S Environmental and Forest Biology, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, NY

Professional Experience

  • Principal Investigator, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO, 2010-current
  • Coordinator of Undergraduate Research, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO, 2010-2017
  • Instructor for Methods in Field Ecology, Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, CO,  2010-2011
  • Associate Professor, Biology, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, MA,  2008-2015

Research Interests

Plant-insect interactions, conservation of wild-harvested medicinal plants, rare plant monitoring and population biology

Selected Publications

  • Smith, B., Lowe, L., Owens, J., Mooney, E. (2018). Chemotypic variation in osha (Ligusticum porteri) in Colorado, USA. J. Appl. Res. Med. Aromat. Plants. In Press.
  • Robinson, A., Inouye, D. W., Ogilvie, J. E., & Mooney, E. H. (2017). Multitrophic interactions mediate the effects of climate change on herbivore abundance. Oecologia, 185(2), 181-190.
  • Mooney, E.H., Phillips, J. S., Tillberg, C.V., Sandrow, C., Nelson, A.S. & Mooney, K.A. (2016) Abiotic mediation of a mutualism drives herbivore abundance. Ecology Letters. 19(1), 37-44.
  • Mooney, E. H., Martin, A. A., & Blessin, R. P. (2015). Effects of light environment on recovery from harvest and antibacterial properties of oshá Ligusticum porteri (Apiaceae). Economic Botany, 69(1), 72-82.
  • Hoopes, M.F., Marsh, D.M., Beard, K.H., Goldberg, N., Aparicio, A., Arbuthnot, A. Hixon, B. Danielle Laflower, D., Lee, L., Little, A., Mooney, E., Pallette, A., Ravenscraft, A., Scheele, S., Stowe, K., Sykes, C.*, Watson, R., & Yang, B. 2013. Invasive plants in wildlife refuges. BioScience 63: 644-656.
  • McGraw, J.B., A. E. Lubbers, M. Van der Voort, E. H. Mooney, M. A. Furedi, S. Souther, J. B.Turner, and J Chandler. 2013. Ecology and conservation of ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) in a changing world. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1286: 62-91.
  • Mooney, E.H., and R.A. Niesenbaum, 2012. Population-specific responses to light influence herbivory in the understory shrub Lindera benzoin. Ecology 93:2683–2692.
  • Mooney, E.H., M.J. Edwards, N.Z. Muth, R.A. Niesenbaum, 2010. Genetic differentiation between sun and shade habitats in populations of Lindera benzoin. Population Ecology 52(3): 417-425.